Solar Powered Water Pump
Your gift of $500 supports providing a community with a solar powered water pump. By signing up for a subscription you can give enough to provide a new community a solar powered water pump every month.
Pictured above is a solar water pump in Nepal. To learn more about this read the story below.
Change, Initiative, And Hope
A Community Taking Ownership
We’ve been working in Ichchhakamana (IKRM) for years now, and if there is one thing we’ve learned, it is that the people of this community have offered us more love, support, affection, tears, and motivation than we could have ever imagined.
It is a sad truth that the folks in Ichchhakamana struggle daily, but they fight for every breath, every step, and every minute with a courage that always motivates us.
In collaboration with the Rural Municipality of Ichchhakamana and Wine To Water Nepal, a water tap that is accessible to each house through a solar lifting process was recently finished in IKRM. This technology pulls water directly from the Dhundhure River (Dhundhure Khol) and lifts it through solar power into pipes that run to stands and wells in the community.
Meet Jeet B. Magar. With his hands and heart motivated with hope, he built his own water tap straight to his home. When the news that CHANGE, INITIATIVE, AND HOPE technology was coming hit the community, everyone was uplifted with joy, gratitude, and purpose. Quickly, this turned into motivation and voluntary participation by the community members. Jeet, and other helping hands (as pictured above), supported us in digging pipelines, construction, and in any other possible areas. Jeet assembled his own tap stand right to his house, side-by-side with our Wine To Water staff.
Jeet lives in the Rurual Municipality 6 in Ichchhakamana, and before the construction of the solar lifting water technology, he was having issues accessing any sort of water. With this new technology, he’ll have water for all domestic and drinking purposes. But, his story doesn’t end here. The excitement of clean water brought the spark of innovation, and Jeet began the A Community Taking Ownership 1 construction of a soak pit for wastewater. The water in this soak pit is then used for his garden and crops, which has exponentially enhanced the plants' capacity for growth.
Why is this important? Now, Jeet is healthier in so many ways. Not only does he have access to clean, safe water which keeps him hydrated. Water technology also provides for his crops, which keep him well-fed with nutrient-dense foods. The combination of access to consistent water and food has enhanced his quality of life. Jeet is just one example among many individuals from the community who practice the same method for wastewater management. Many community members use it for cultivating fruits and vegetables and their farms; some will even use this sustainable technology for farming and generate income from their crops! Jeet’s story is an example of how incredible effort, motivation, courage, and active social behavior in communities are essential to our work and innovation worldwide. Every day, we learn more and more from our communities about how we can utilize water to it’s highest potential with the resources we have.