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New Partner Project Transforms Community in Tanzania

Lenovo continues its "commitment to empowering underrepresented populations through access to [clean and safe] water and hygiene education" (The Guardian, 2023) with its most recent gift to support an entire community - Nambala, Tanzania.

Currently, Nambala has a water shortage; people rely on water from a pipeline that flows inconsistently or they collect rainwater, which is only possible for four months of the year. Despite water being plentiful in these months, the water has extremely high, unsafe levels of fluoride. During the dry months, the people in Nambala experience significant water rationing challenges, competing for water for their homes, cattle, and irrigation for their vegetable gardens.

Now, Lenovo is generously funding this community project - from the reverse osmosis (RO) systems, two boreholes, water access points, in-home filtration, Water4Schools, hygiene education, and even separate water troughs for the cows. Yes, the cows. For the Maasai, livestock is their lifeline - food, shelter, value, and inheritance - and it's important to maintain separate water sources to help reduce waterborne disease transmission. To conserve as much water as possible, the run-off water from the RO system is piped to the troughs designed for the cattle.

Once the project in Nambala is completed, 4,146 people - 691 families, 564 students, and 1 school - will have access to safe, clean, and reliable water year-round. Also, 56,000 livestock will have separate access to drinkable water.

To learn more, check out Lenovo's Global Water Partnership announcement.

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